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2004-12-22 10:43


�1. Peppercakehousecompetitionfinalists

At Aftonbladet.

�2. You say sne, I say sn�; let's have an interminable wrangle!

The heat of the argument can be judged from the fact that in 1955 a weather-forecaster on the Norwegian radio became known as the "abominable snowman" and was actually dismissed because he refused to say sn� (a radical Bokm�l form) "snow" instead of sne (a conservatve form).

Peter "Trudger" Trudgill, Sociolinguistics

And this is all within Bokm�l! Trudger has an unusually detailed and clear explanation of Norwegish language politics; we consider it to be essentially Swedish with diphthongs, but we are after all at a safe distance.

�3. Merry Twinkletree!

We're off to the ancestral ch�teau this afternoon. Expect an absence of bloggage for a bit. We'll be back sometime after the Festive Day of Boxning, maybe.


2004-12-21 15:44

Festive Sm�rg�spost

�1. 'Arry Potteur

Yes, well, me too then:

The sixth Harry Potter book will hit the shops on 16 July next year, it has been announced.

But when is the Frenchy-French livre de poche due? The bloatiback has been out for over a year, Gallimard (for it is they!). Keeping it in spendyback only is beginning, frankly, to look grasping.

�2. Finland Finland Finland! I

What festive giftage or presentables is it that I covet, you ask or enquire?

This. A wind-up radio with shortwave! (If it had longwave, too, it'd be even better, but life is after all a vale of misery or at least minor disappointment.)

And what could I possibly want with such a something, you again ask or again enquire?


Hela kv�llen i Europa
p� svenska fr�n Finland

Kortv�g 9630 kHz (31m)
16.00--20.00 finsk tid.

Swedish news from Finland!
Hurra hurra hurra!

On a nice shortwave radio,
at admittedly not very convenient times
when you've -2'ed the UTC+2, but still!

�3. Finland Finland Finland! II

And what Swedish news from Finland would we wish to hear, you persist in asking, or as the case may be in enquiring?


Janne Ahonen - ingen over, ingen ved siden. Finnen med steinansiktet har vunnet sju av �tte mulige verdenscuprenn i hopp denne sesongen.

Janne "The Manne" Ahonen - no one above him, no one by his side. The stony-faced Finn has won seven (7) out of eight (8) possible worldcupstages in skijumpning this season.

�4. Prinsesses!

The International Herald Tribune, which is to say the Paris edition of the dreary New York Times has the worst web site of any 'bladet we've ever encountered in any language.

It is an utterly miserable experience which we typically neglect to have, but today they have prinsesses:

For Colombe Pringle, editor of the French magazine Point de Vue, there are pitfalls as well as joys for the new princesses. She cites the Asian-born Alexandra of Denmark, who is divorcing Prince Joachim. Pringle says that smart professional women do not find it easy to integrate into an insular royal court, where the job description is to produce an heir and a "spare," smile and do charity work.

Mathilde of Belgium fills that role to perfection and was voted as top princess by Point de Vue's readers

Ahead of the very radiant fairy-tale Kronprinsessmary of Danmark? We are outraged beyond words at this such perfidy!


2004-12-21 11:35

Clueless in G�vle

Last year when the ginormous festive straw goat in G�vle burned down the po-lice said:

- Vi har inte ett sp�r. Det finns just nu inget att g� p�.

"We don't have a clue. At the moment there's nothing to go on."

This year when the ginormous festive straw goat in G�vle burned down the po-lice said:

- Vi har inga sp�r, men utg�r fr�n att branden var anlagd, s�ger vakthavande bef�l vid polisen i G�vle.

"We have no clues, but we're starting from the assumption the fire was started deliberately", says the watch-having officer of the police in G�vle.

Pas de merde, Sherlocke! On peut constater m�me:

�rets brand �r den 21:a i ordningen.

This year's fire is the 21st time it's happened.

Depuis 1966�: c'est � dire, en seulement 38 ans�!

(Previous episode)


2004-12-21 10:22


It is the winter solstice, of course, and thus the start of the Feast of Twinkletree. (We do not feel any particular need to wait for the Belated Jesusistes to catch up, for sure.)

To celebrate, here is Aftonbladet's uproundning of pretty Twinkletrees!

Also, in Upside-Down Seth Efrica, where they are having upside-down winter, which is summer, instead, England have won a famous victory at the noble game of criquette:

England 425 (Strauss 126, Butcher 79) and 93 for 3 (Strauss 94*) beat South Africa 337 (Rudolph 93, Dippenaar 110) and 229 (Smith 55, Kallis 61, S Jones 4-39) by seven wickets, and lead the series 1-0

The boy Straussy, isn't it?


2004-12-20 15:42


�1. Getting it right

It is Lemony Snicket !

Are your stories based on real-life things?
Matthew Shuttleworth, aged 10, by e-mail

All stories are based on two things: real-life things, and other stories, but these "other stories", of course, are also based on the same two things - real-life things or other stories, and these "other stories" are also based on the same two things, and so on, and so on, and this complicated arrangement is further complicated by the tendency for real-life things to become stories as time passes, and the difference between real-life things and stories becomes complicated, so real-life things tend to get lost inside stories that are based on real-life things and on other stories, or perhaps it's the other way round, with stories based on real-life things and other stories getting lost inside real-life things, which might explain why, in real life, we often feel so very lost that even answering a simple question becomes so exhausting and confusing that we want to lie down with our eyes closed and listen closely to the string quartets of Dmitri Shostakovich and certain 12in singles by New Order.


�2. Getting it wrong

It is not Santa!

Ricercatori britannici hanno ricostruito al computer il volto di Santa Claus. Era basso, scuro di pelle e con il naso rotto.

British researchatori have riconstuctado at computer the face of Santa Claus. Era basso, scuro di pelle and with a rotto nose.

Il volto � stato ricostruito basandosi sulle reliquie di San Nicola, il vescovo di Myra vissuto nel XIV secolo d.c. i cui resti sono conservati nella basilica di San Nicola a Bari e al quale s'ispira appunto il mito.

The face � stato riconstructado based on relics of Saint Nicholas, the bishop di Myra vissuto nel XIV [sic; actually the 4th] century CE whose remains are conserved in the basilica of Saint Nicholas at Bari and al quale s'ispira appunto il mito.

In what sense is he the real Santa, anyway? To those of us not smoking what they're smoking some random dead bishop called Nicholas is hardly an adequate substitute. Does he have a reindeer-pulled sled? Does he deliver presents? Does he chortle "Ho ho ho"?

Is there, in fact, a genre of investigation more tedious than the endless searches for the "real" X, where X is manifestly a mythical entity? (So far as we are concerned this goes just as much for the Baby Jesus as King Arthur, but don't tell the Gibberers for Jesus we said so.)

The Corriere della Sera (which has been a morning paper for over a century without dropping the della Sera - should we launch a quest for the "real evening"?) opine haplessly:

COCA COLA - Il Babbo Natale vestito di rosso e con la barba bianca � quindi un puro travisamento, un personaggio inventato. Peggio. Un personaggio da r�clame. Sono stati infatti i pubblicitari della Coca Cola, all'inizio degli anni '30, a creare l'immagine del vecchietto sulla slitta, per promuovere la bevanda nei mesi invernali. In particolare il celebre illustratore Haddon Sundblom: fu lui a porre la firma al primo disegno del moderno Santa Claus.

Sigh. You can't get the 'bladets, isn't it?



2004-12-20 13:30


�1. Social dumpning

There has been and is much fuss over a building project in Sweden where the successful bid relies on cheap Latvian labour. The ins and outs are fiddly, but the phrase social dumpning is too excellent to neglect.

�2. Twinkletree Surprise!

Sn�kaos hotar jultrafiken

Sn�kaos threatens Yuletide traffic

Sn�? At Yuletide? In Sweden of all places? Santa, you mischievous pranksta!

�3. Apathy in the UK!

The University of Openness's Introduction to the Social Sciences, on which I am a student, is predominantly concerned with data from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Luckily we're not actually required to consult sources other than our nice workpacks, but I keep seeing stuff in Aftonbladet and Le Monde which would otherwise be jolly to cite.

�4. Twinkletree defence, slightly footinshootning

Under France's stupid new school-headscarf ban it is now the turn of Twinkletrees to feel the crossfire. A Tree was installed in a school; some students complained; the teacheurs attempt a defence:

Il est alors d�cid� qu'un groupe de professeurs pr�parera une communication pour rappeler aux �l�ves que "l'utilisation du sapin comme symbole de vie ou de renaissance, apr�s le solstice d'hiver, est bien plus ancienne que le christianisme".

It was then decided that a group of teacheurs would prepare a communication to remind the pupils that "the use of a pine tree as symbol of life and rebirth after the winter solstice is much older than christianisme."

Which is an idiotique non sequitur in response to the claim that the Twinkletree is a religious symbol, selon nous.


2004-12-20 11:33

For large values of "shack"

I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money
The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby, (a Love Shack bay-bee).
Love shack, baby love shack,
love shack, baby love shack, love shack.
(love baby, that's where it's at) love shack
(love baby, that's where it's at)

True love, path of, unsmoothrunningly:

N�r kronprinsessan satt p� den glamour�sa Nobel-middagen nyligen - d� tittade pojkv�nnen Daniel Westling p� en basketmatch i en Stockholmsf�rort.

I helgen kunde paret vara tillsammans igen.

While the kronprinsess [Vickan] sat at the glamour�s Nobel-eveninglunch recently - her boyfriend was watching a basketfoopball match in the Stockholmarea.

At the weekend the couple could be together again.

At the H�gbo Brukshotell! (Which isn't really a shack! We just like the song!)


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