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(I know, I know, but it's the way we diarylanders have done it for generations.)

2002-05-30 9:52

And another thing...

And another thing ...


Vi skvallrar f�r att skapa oss en kollectiv uppfattning om v�rlden om m�nniskorna, om vad som �r r�tt och fel, normalt och onormalt, f�r att h�vda oss, for att h�mnas, f�r att visa att vi litar p� varandra och f�r att ha roligt!

Or, to put it another way,

We gossip to create a consensus on the world and on people, about what's right and wrong, normal and abnormal; to assert ourselves, to take revenge; to show that we rely on each other and because it's fun.

[ from Paula Stenstr�m's review of Kerstin Nordenstam's book Skvaller (Gossip).]

Gossip, then, like linkage, is (amongst other things) the currency in the market of social consensus.

Which is to say that there are important theoretical reasons why I spend so much of my time wittering on about Princess Madeleine; she embodies a dialectic about the competing claims of responsibility and hedonism in contemporary Swedish youth.

And besides, it's fun.

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