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2002-04-23 9:56

A Little Bit of Politics

A Little Bit of Politics

Ultra-right wing political groups are a Very Bad Thing, and they seem to be catching on all over Europe. In Britain the loathsome BNP is thankfully still of marginal significance, and the governing Labour party is doing its best to keep it that way.

I'd resolve to vote Labour just for that, if it wasn't for the fact I always do anyway.

Meeja-meeja alert!

So anyway, back to our accustomed frothy frivolities. Sven-G�ran Eriksson may or may not be shagging minor-celebrity and fellow Swede Ulrika Jonsson. This is of no particular consequence in itself, but it allows the Guardian to publish an article of breath-taking banality on Sweden.

Also here's an article in a British newspaper (the Guardian again) discussing the Swedish media's handling of the British media's handling of the alleged affair. It's only slightly less interesting than that sounds!

And here's an article in English on the BBC by a Swedish columnist (for Expressen) about the Swedish perception of the British perception of Sweden in the light of these events.

If I fail to have an opinion of my own it's largely because I fear being sucked into the black hole of narcissistic self-regard generated when the media start covering media coverage as if it were news-worthy in its own right.

And finally

While I'm having a clear-out here's a link on Russian spelling reform.

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