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2002-10-18 14:52 (UTC+1)

�l streik, indeed!

Invade Norway? Good idea!

Labeling the Oslo-based Nobel Prize Committee a "terrorist front organization," the Bush Administration is now weighing the option of invading Norway, insiders say. A resolution of support is likely to be presented to Congress immediately following the November recess.

"Naming Jimmy Carter as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize instead of President Bush has created a strong internal shift toward military action," we were told. "It totally ignores the achievement of President Bushs new policy of peace through the obliteration of potential enemies."

Not only are they stock-piling whale blubber, they persistently refuse to join the EU. When you're dealing with an administration which will stop at nothing - not even a preemptive �l streik against their own people - surely regime-change is the only answer.

2002-10-18 10:45 (UTC+1)

Networking notworking

Or it wasn't when I got in. I hate that, and now I'm behind schedule.

Anyway. In Swedish class we have to do a geography project. (Language study beyond a certain point requires things to talk about: A-level French in the UK is idiot-level sociology of France discussed in French. University-level study seems to be divided between Forren with Literature and Forren with Stuff Likely To Be On The EUs Bureaucrat Entrance Exam. Why everyone can't stick to beer, princesses and linguistics - not necessarily in that order - I don't know.)

Anyway. I hated geography at school, and I've never seen any reason to revise that opinion, so I've been somewhat in Rebel Mode (the mildest possible setting, of course) about all this, so in order to demonstrate a general knowledge of a country (or region) in which the target language is used I said I'd do Finland. Swedish is an official language there, of course, albeit a minority one, and the only flavour of geography I am known to like is geolinguistics, up which's street this is right. [grammer.]

Anyway. The only other thing I know is that I'm going to include a 3D pie-chart in my presentation, and that most people won't guess that this is intended sarcastically.

2002-10-17 13:13 (UTC+1)

It's beginning to look a lot like Eurovision...

Next year, Iceland will be back in the Eurovision song contest, after the mandatory year out they earned by coming last in Shoppingharbour '01.

Excitement is mounting. (I've considered the Icelandic Daily News a necessary daily ritual since long before they made me register, NYT marketroids will weep to hear.)

Did you know that in Sveden the pre-contest contest is more popular than the contest contest itself? (I more-or-less did, thanks to Aftonbladet's saturation coverage last year.)

If you have a song in Icelandic that has never been performed publically and is less than 3 minutes long - and I think we all do, deep down, don't we? - the R�V wants to hear from you by the 18th of November.

2002-10-17 09:26 (UTC+1)

EC's cheese freeze: Greece pleased

[Doh! The BBC reports that]

The European Commission has decided that only cheese made in Greece can now be sold under the name of feta.

The decision gives it the same kind of protection as Italian parma ham, French champagne, Ardennes ham or Newcastle Brown Ale.

Why Newcastle Brown Ale has to be produced in Greece is beyond me, but I'm sure the EC knows best. When are they going to introduce the (much-needed, especially in this country) regulations that chocolate must contain at least 70% cocoa solids and that pork (f'rinst) sausages should be mostly made out of pork, though? I'd buy that for a Euro...

2002-10-16 10:52 (UTC+1)

V�lja val!

My DesCo Prose-Generator module seems to be on the blink. While I'm waiting for qualified service personnel, here's a couple of links (of links, I tell you) about whaling.

Iceland's at it, as are Indigenous Persons:

At the meeting in Cambridge in eastern England, the IWC agreed to re-instate whaling quotas for the Inupiat and Yupik communities that fish the Bering Strait between Russia and America.

I would pay good money to see a college student with enviro-veganist tendencies try to decide whether this is a Good Thing. (I have no idea, myself.)

And, of course, Norway never really stopped.

Both stories are illustrated with photos of whales, yum yum, in varying states of disrepair. It occurs to me by contrast that stories about cows, yum yum, are seldom illustrated with abbatoir shots.

2002-10-16 10:23

Mechanically-reclaimed meat products

"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"

This world-renowned SF micro-story has been reclaimed by its rightful owner.

Read it to understand why people who refuse to accept the possibility of Artificial Intelligence are known as Meatists, and taunted with the slogan "Why meat?".

2002-10-15 13:38 (UTC+1)

Bo Bonanza

Well, bonanzette, then.

2002-10-15 10:16 (UTC+1)


It rained all night and most of this morning. I had to wear my great-coat in to work on account of it, but that's OK, I quite like the rain.

Equally welcome and overdue is this story on Madeleine's mentor. Inget l�tt jobb, indeed.

2002-10-14 17:37


Whenever things get vague make yourself a concrete example.

This Teaching Seminar thing involves audience participation, and lots of it. There were lots of people there this (first) time, we'll see how many come back for more. I would have to even if I didn't want to, but I do want to.

Incidentally, Lyapunov, Liapunov or (horrors) Liapounoff (which is French, of course)? It's the new Chebyshev!

2002-10-14 14:05

Ah, Mr Kolmogorov, we meet again.

This year's post-graduate lectures started today. I went, because KAM theory is one of those things I Ought To Know (but don't). I've done mechanics from a Hamiltonian point of view (well, it was over ten years ago and I was fed up with physics and usually hung-over, but I sat through some lectures) and I've done Dynamical Systems theory (6 years ago, and I was paying attention), but I've never seen them put together the way they're clearly meant to go.

Let's make this the year that I find out what it is that I do, shall we? My boss's new Teaching and Learning Seminar (as opposed to the more usual Being Bored Shitless Seminar by someone with a pile of overheads of which you stand a one in ten chance of understanding the third) is at four this afternoon, so it's not as if I'm lacking in opportunities to learn. I just hope my brain doesn't explode.

2002-10-14 09:29


I spent pretty much all of yesterday asleep or dozing, listening to the rain against the windows. A day well spent, I'm sure you'll agree.

Which tangentially reminds me. When I was first learning Swedish I was told there was no "z" sound in the language. So, naturally, I asked what sound Swedish bees make (ours go "Zzzzzzzzz", which is also used to denote snoring: hence the link). They can't go "Sssssssssss", obviously: that's reserved for snakes. I received, I am afraid to say, no satisfactory reply.

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