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2003-04-17 13:20 (UTC+1)

I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink

We've deplored travel, we've ambivaleted of the French but there's one glaring as it were lacuna to be filled if this truncated Holy Week edition of the bladet is to achieve microcosmicness, so give it up, esteemed gennelpersons, for the gratuitous prinsessor non-story (and it isn't Claire of "Belgium"'s big day, so there):

�tst�rningar har blivit rena "prinsess-sjukan".
Senast i raden �r australiskan Mary Donaldson, 30. Bilder visar att hon tappat kraftigt i vikt. Enligt tidningsuppgifter har hon g�tt ner �ver tio kilo det senaste �ret. Och d� fr�n en h�gst normal viktniv�.

[Eating disorders have become a real "prinsess-sickness". The latest in the series is Australian Mary "Knudella" Donaldson, 30. Pictures show that she has lost a lot of weight. According to newspaper sources she's shed ten kilos in the last year, starting from a level at the top end of normal.]

(New readers: Knudella, or "Mary" as some newspapers still prefer to call her, is the long-time girlfriend of Kronprinsfred of Denmark, and it really is about time he made an honest prinsess of her and she could tuck into a square banquet, poor girl.)

Apparently li'l Charlotte of Monaco has also been struck, and Vickan's struggles with anorexia are well-documented (it's all in the past, she's all better now, honest).

If the newspapers were to acquire enough of a sense of shame not to lead with pregnancy rumours every time Mette-Marit eats a cream bun that would certainly be a big improvement, but let's not hold our breaths, eh?

[L�nken via the Danish Birgitte-in-Exile, tak igen.]


2003-04-17 11:39 (UTC+1)

�Au fond, le vrai probl�me est de savoir � quoi sert Dieu.�

Plut�t que de parler de retour du religieux je parlerais de la fin d'une parenth�se ideologique. Le XVIIIe si�cle avec l'id�e de progr�s, le XIXe avec l'espoir scientiste ont intronis� des religions s�culi�res. Nous vivons la fin de cette parenth�se, mais comme les collectivit�s ont besoin de croire, je ne suis pas s�r que nous changions d'�l�ment.

[Rather than talk of a return to religion I would talk of the end of an ideological parenthesis. The 18th century with the idea of progress, the scientific optimism of 19th century invented secular religions. We're living through the end of that parenthesis, but since communities need to believe I'm not sure that anything fundamental has changed.]

- R�gis Debray, in conversation with Constantin von Barloewen (for it is he!) in the Nouvel Obs.

I would urge you with some urgency to read the whole article if at all possible - it is very good indeed.

reason yields to religion -
cherry blossoms fall.

Blind Spacefish Tanaka.


17-04-2003 10:11 (UTC+1)

Holy Thursday, Batman!

(I apologize for the delay, but I had neither InterWebNet access or the time to use it while I was on the road.)

The wedding was at a hotel in Bront� country, where the landscape can certainly loom. I bought the groom a pint while we were waiting for the ceremony, and thus it went.

Practically every residential building in Venice is currently festooned with rainbow-striped flags emblazoned with the word Pace (Peace), and I did get to go to work on a water-bus. However, I did not see St Marcus's whatsit or the celebrated Basilisk or the Dog's Palace (il grande kennel) or much of anything. I did learn enough Italian to buy stamps and bus tickets in the tobacconists next door without resorting to Eengleesh, and I have some Dylan Dog horror comics (hoorah!) to practise with.

We left yesterday, just as the place started to be oppressively crowded with tourists (mostly French, mostly speaking only French, entirely surprised that this was not an effective communication strategy) for the Holier End of Holy Week (it really is Holy Thursday in Venice today).


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