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2002-03-13 9:05

Kit-Kat Krisis!

Kit-Kat Krisis!

On the days when I get to work before nine o'clock I generally reward myself by getting a cup of proper coffee from Caff� Nero on the way.

Otherwise, it's nasty instant coffee-flavoured beverage from the machine in the department and maybe also a little chocolate something for breakfast.

But yesterday, around ten-thirty, two men came and stole the snack machine.

Further developments as they occur...

Giving up lent for lent

In yesterday's Swedish class we had real live fastlagsbullar, which are gooey cream-and-marzipan buns which map conceptually onto pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.

It's a multi-media learning experience, my Swedish class.

Trip Trauma

I may - or may not - be going to Nice for a work-flavoured shindig at the end of April. Either way, this reminds me that my French could stand to be improved. And that the thoughts of travelling and France never fill me with delight, exactly. Acquiescence would be le mot juste, I think.

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