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2003-10-24 13:20 (UTC+1)


Norman Hampson's historical study The Enlightenment, currently in Penguin, had a previous life as a Pelican book (Pelican was essentially Penguin's self-improving non-fiction brand way back when) and yesterday I finally ran across a copy in Oxfam at a sensible price.

Since I also woke up (due to the cold, I suspect) at 4 o'clock this morning, I'm already about a third of the way in, and you can expect a review on Monday. I had forgotten just how fast I can read in English.

One curiosity is that it sets itself the task of an overview of the period, sneaking back into the 17th century and peeking into the romanticism of the 19th century at the other end, covering literature, philosophy, social and economic history and the whole Weltanschauungerama and the Geist of the Zeit, all on the grounds that the Englightenment (Upplysning) was fermented in a pre-Lapserian Ur-Interdiscipline at a time when science and the arts had yet to split asunder.

And yet somehow J.S. Bach (1685-1750) doesn't even make the index.



2003-10-24 11:21

A bunch of rotters in the state of Denmark

If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.

[From Mr Shakespeare's Twelfth Night]

Can one really tire of prinsessgossip, though? Apparently so:

Det er slut med at spinde guld p� historier om kongehuset, kronprins Frederik og Mary. Nyheden om forlovelsen har v�ret en stor nedtur for b�de Billed-Bladet, Se og H�r samt B.T.

Den danske befolkning er i de seneste �r blevet s� stopfodret med historier om kronprins Frederik og Mary, at nyheden om forlovelsen og kongestof i det hele taget ikke l�ngere kan s�lge.

[The days of spinning gold from tales of Kronprinsfred and Knudella ("Mary") are over. The news of their engagement has been a big downturn for both Billed-Bladet, Se og H�r and BT.

The Danish population has been saturated with stories of kronprinsfred and Knudella ("Mary") that news of the engagement and royalstuff in general isn't selling anymore.]

Good heavens, what is the world coming to? It is all the more important, therefore, that this bladet should stand beside Kronprinsessfred and his Knudella in this, their hour of need. And we will, you may be sure of that!

[Tack to Birgitte for the link]


2003-10-23 15:09

Yoorp [sic], Icy

No, but how can you tell if it's winter in Sweden? 28 centimetres of sn� do you, Sir or Madam?

Men �n �r det f�r tidigt att s�ga att vintern har kommit.
- Nej, d� ska dygnsmedeltemperaturen ligga under noll grader i en vecka och det har den inte gjort utom m�jligen i v�stra och norra Norrland, s�ger Sune Samuelsson.

[But it's too early to say that winter has come.
"No, you can't be sure in west and north Norrland until it's been under zero [Celsius, bien entendu] day and night for a week" says Sune Samuelsson.

Such exquisitely refined sensibilities they have up there, is it not?

("What did happen to your great uncle G�ran, then?"
"Ah, got trapped in a sn�drift, poor bugger."
"Oh. The winter's get pretty severe up here, then?"
"Winter? This was midsommar!")

We note with no little impatience that even with 28 cm of sn�, there has been no sign of any kaos.


2003-10-23 12:02 (UTC+1)


The Vlobs's spirituality special turned out to be every bit as depressing as you would expect - a bunch of losers, wasters, chancers and nutters pick 'n' mixing homeopathy, astrology, neoshamanism, buddhism, kabbalism, and even sodding crystals for the purpose of self-delusion. Stand-out quote:

Sur l'ensemble de l'Europe, environ 30% des habitents pratiquent assid�ment une religion et 7% sont ath�es. Le reste, c'est-�-dire pr�s des deux tiers des europ�ens, les non-pratiquants et les sans-religion, sont le laboratoire vivant des nouvelles formes de croire.

[Across the whole of Yoorp, about 30% of the population actively practices a religion and 7% are atheists. The rest, that's to say nearly two thirds of Yoorpeans, the non-practising and unreligious, form a living laboratory of new forms of belief.]

The sarcastic claim of the Brights that the God question is of comparable epistemological status with the Tooth Fairy question won't help here - this lot could blithely accept the Tooth Fairy as a Jungian archetype associated with a long and spiritually enriching tradition of Dental Remuneration practices without skipping a beat.

"Living laboratory" my arse - I'd say the results are unequivocally in, myself. Crystals, indeed.


2003-10-23 09:20 (UTC+1)

I am now far too famous to blog, of course

In fact, I didn't do anything to camera; I just served as a prop in scenes in which Deep Thoughts Are Clearly Being Thunk. Although, since I haven't had my hair cut for a couple of years and my bosses hair is longer than mine, and they shot a bunch of stuff of us discussing our fairly lurid oceanographic animations, it's just as likely to come over like a couple of Pink Floyd roadies fine-tuning the psychedelic light show.

In any case, now that I'm an actual world-famous celebrity and that I'm going to outsource the content-development part of my blogging enterprise to India - we've put together a highly-qualified team of prinsessgossipspecialistes over there at a very competitive price - while I concentrate on adding value to the 'bladet brandname through proactively focussing on positioning ourselves within the blogosphere. (Synergies are being leveraged as we speak, Varied Reader; as we speak.)

Must dash - some persons' persons are meeting our persons about the film rights and I have to brief them...


2003-10-22 13:05 (UTC+1)

Universals of Folk Linguistics: A Diachronic Perspective

(Or: The endless return of the endless decline, declined: Please to return to sender.)

It is widely, if bafflingly, accepted that:

  • Language change is universal in all societies, and that is of course just fine and dandy.
  • Complaints about language change from partisans of conservative forms are also universal in all societies, and that is of course an outrage of immense proportions against which [grammar] we must unceasingly rail.

My suggestion that we inaugurate a discipline called "folk linguistics" (parallel to "folk psychology") to study the random nonsense persons are apt to believe about language have so fallen on stony ground, but it would surely be more interesting than the usual counterdenunciations - and what better way to thwart Language Mavens than to stop trying to counter their "arguments" and start classifying them instead? It would drive them apoplectic with rage, I promise you!

If you're still unconvinced, then perhaps meditating on the irony of an impassioned defence ("defense") of the inevitable might help?

(Jim is suffering from usage mavens. Poor Jim!)


2003-10-22 11:40 (UTC+1)

Spice My Brain Up! (Voice of God remix)

The Nouvel Obs is having one of its Cosmic Quest For Spiritual Truth specials, whereof:

La neuroth�ologie fait fureur aux Etats-Unis. Derni�re-n�e des neurosciences, elle consiste, gr�ce aux techniques d'imagerie m�dicale, � traquer en direct, dans les r�seaux neuronaux des moines chr�tiens ou bouddhistes, l'�mergence du sentiment religieux. Ces travaux r�v�lent que, toutes confessions confondues, c'est la m�me petite zone vers le haut et l'arri�re du cerveau qui s'�teint � l'acm� de la pri�re ou de la m�ditation. Or cette zone est charg�e de traiter les informations sur l'espace et le temps.

[Neurotheology is all the rage in the US. Last-born of neuroscience, it consists, thanks to medical imagining techniques, of tracking down the emergence of religious feelings in the neural networks of Christian and Buddhist monks. These studies have shown that, regardless of denomination, it's the same small zone at the top and back of the brain that switches off at the peak of prayer or meditation. Now, this zone is in charge of processing information on space and time.]

It is important not to make the mistake of dismissing things as "just" a state of spicy brain - if you take the brain seriously (which I do, since I employ a unrepentently dualist perspective which yokes together a rigourous insistence on materialism with an incompatible but no less firm insistence on ph�nom�nologie. Since you asked) then you should expect all subjective experience, emotions and the like to have neurological (and endocrinological) correlates.

As for the rest of the Gooey New Age Goo that they have thoughtfully included for Chewy New Age Chewing, I was all planning to denounce this kind of sm�rg�sbord of spirituality (neoshamanistic Kabbaliste rebirthing therapy, anyone?) as yet more of modern society's pernicious Bourgeois Individualism - to strip religion of all its social functions certainly changes things - but this is the Nouvel Obs (hurrah!) and therefore written by and for French intellectuals (hurrah again!) they get their retaliation in first by quoting Nietzsche (from The Will to Power):

�Ce n'est qu'apr�s la mort de la religion que l'invention du divin pourra reprendre toute sa luxuriance.�

[It is only after the death of religion that the invention of the divine will be able achieve its full luxuriance.]

Pre-empted! You can say what you like about Nietzsche, Varied Reader - and knowing you, you probably have - but he makesyerthink, innit?


2003-10-22 09:36 (UTC+1)


Kronprinsess-elect Knudella is inaugurated as a feature of Danish state occasions, hurrah! And she also went to concert! We wonder how long it will take for the Danish taxpayers to figure out who is paying for Knudella's wardrobe, and how happy about it they'll be about it when they do. The Norwegians, bless 'em, were astonished at just how much shopping their Kronprinsess was able to fit into her busy schedule. Speaking of which:

Norges statsminister Kjell Magne Bondevik tycker kronprisessan Mette-Marit �r en f�rebild f�r norska kvinnor. Anledningen: Hon jobbar deltid och kan i st�llet �gna sig �t "barn, familj och n�rmilj�".

Norwegian prime minister Kjell Magne Farmerbay thinks kronprinsess Mette-Marit is a model for Norwegish women. The reason? She works part-time and can instead devote herself to "children, family and the local environment".

(I have a feeling I have somehow been suckered into covering a political controversy. Gah!)

"Local environment" is a bit stilted, and I would imagine "hearth" is probably better, but the dictionary won't say. Under "n�r", though, it offers the expression "du f�r ingen bulle n�r du �r s� dum" (="you won't get a bun when you are as silly as that") and that's certainly something we should all (are you listening, Mr Farmerbay?) bear in mind.

[Tack once again to Birgitte and Anna Louise, prinsessspotters extraodinaires.]


2003-10-21 15:49 (UTC+1)

Jackbooted Gibberers for Jesus

Give us blood and give us guts,
that's what it takes to please us -
We're the Jackbooted
Gibberers for Jesus!

- "Pious" Peter A. Pocalypse and the O'Blivion Boys

Wailing and gnashing of teeth, for sure, and not in a good way:

The general leading the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein has publicly declared that the Christian God is "bigger" than Allah, who is a false "idol", and believes the war on terrorism is a fight with Satan, it emerged yesterday.

Oh dear.


2003-10-21 13:40 (UTC+1)

In which it depends what the meaning of "is" is

England's finest take on the mighty Bangles (AKA Bangladesh, very much the minnows of the world of Test cricket) but the weather isn't playing ball:

Well, this is baffling. They're playing under floodlights, yet the umpires have just offered the batsmen the light! They've taken it, and that, I'm afraid, could be that for the day. At the risk of sounding like a hybrid of Fred Trueman and Ian Botham, what's the point of having floodlights if they're not good enough? Oh well. The situation at the close is that Bangladesh are 24 for 2 off 15 overs, with both wickets for Harmison - a useful little session for England, but they need the sun to shine tomorrow.

In honour ("honor") of the concurrency of the "World" Series (yes I know) of baseball, though, I will declare that there is cricket on, even if it isn't actually happening or anything. (Cricket is, after all, a state of mind.)


2003-10-21 11:28

Sn� har de! (Ecoutez, et repetez!)

It is sn�ing in Stockholm, hoorah!

(Den sn�ar p� Stockholm, hurra!)

But where are the kaoses?

(Men var �r kaoset?)

Perhaps it will be in the newspapers tomorrow.

(Kanske blir det i tidningarna i morgon.)


2003-10-21 19:40 (UTC+1)

Vickan's public engagement

We have established that Kronprinsess Vickan is herself dyslexic and you probably won't be surprised to learn she does a lot of work for charidee, so:

S� f�r kronprinsessan har det varit ett naturligt steg att engagera sig i kampen mot l�s- och skrivsv�righeter - dyslexi.
I g�r bes�kte hon Brunns-�ngsskolan i S�dert�lje. D�r har man valt att h�rdsatsa p� extra undervisning f�r elever som lider av dyslexi.

[So for the kronprinsess has it been a natural step to engage herself in the fight against reading- and writingdifficulties - dyslexia.
Yesterday visited she Brunns-meadowschool in S�dert�lje. There has one chosen to back heavily extra tuition for pupils who suffer from dyslexia.]

I have really quite severe writing difficulties in Swedish, by the way, Vickan, if you happen to be at a loose end..?


2003-10-20 18:36 (UTC+1)

� la recherche des futurs perdus

Your tears they tell me
There's really no way
Of ending your troubles
With things you can say.

"Time has told me" - Nick Drake

Lib�ration, France's leading quotidien leftbladet, has its books thing on Tuesday, which is Wednesday in the UK. From last week's review of Fran�ois Hartog's R�gimes d'historicit�. Pr�sentisme et exp�riences du temps:

La d�marche de Fran�ois Hartog est dans un premier temps de partir � la recherche d'autres r�gimes d'historicit� afin d'�chapper � l'europ�ocentrisme. Il aurait pu regarder du c�t� de l'Inde et de ses temps cycliques, il a pr�f�r� s'int�resser aux habitants des Fidji au moment de leur rencontre avec les Europ�ens, dans le sillage des travaux de l'anthropologue Marshall Sahlins.

[Hartog's approach starts from an initial investigation of other regimes of historicity in order to escape from eurocentrism. He could have looked at India and cyclic model of time that prevails there, but he's preferred instead to investigate the inhabitants of Fiji at the time they first encountered Europeans, in the wake of the work of the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins.

Predecessors in this enterprise are L�vi-Strauss (I've finished La Pens�e sauvage, hoorah!, and some remarks on it will be along in due course) and Koselleck, who doesn't seem to have made it into cheap paperback in French, annoyingly, so he may have to wait until I've learned enough German.

(Previously on this 'bladet: Fijians encounter Europeans, proclaim them "yummy"; Marshall "Snoozer" Sahlins on daytime sleep and mongomongo nuts.)


2003-10-20 13:20 (UTC+1)

[Book review] Bright Air, Brilliant Fire, Gerald Edelman

(White light) White light goin' messin' up my brain
(White light) Aww white light its gonna drive me insane
(White heat) Aww white heat it tickle me down to my toes
(White light) Aww white light I said now goodness knows, do it

"White Light/White Heat" The Velvet Underground

(My book "reviews" are of course usually just a pretext to continue the ongoing seminar on the contents of my head, and this one will prove to be no exception.)

At the heart of this book is the concept of a selection system, of which Darwin's natural selection was the first to be studied. The essential ingredients, suitably abstracted, are:

  1. A population made up of individuals with variations between them
  2. An environment, which excerts a selectional pressure on said population, leading to:
  3. Differential rates of reproduction for the individuals of the population
  4. Some element of variation in the reproduction process, so that the population as a whole stays heterogeneous

Anyone outside the FDRUSA will immediately recognise that this is Darwin's correct model for evolution; Edelman won the Nobel Prize for Biology or Physiology or Cookery or Whatever for his discovery that the immune system works in much the same way - there's a population of antibodies (or antigens or something - I'm busking the details which are, after all, in the book) matching just about any foreign body that may try to invade an organism, and those that do bind on to intruders are reproduced on a massive scale.

His new theory, which is his, is about the brain and consciousness and stuff and you should not be surprised to discover that it is more of the same. The theory is called "neural Darwinism" or "the theory of neuronal group selection" and holds that groups of neurones are configured by a similar selectional process during the development of the brain during ontogeny. To give an account of this, he needs to explain the topobiology of ontogeny and a high level overview of how (he thinks) consciousness arises from the mutual interplay of neural maps formed by such groups under the influence of an embodied (we are very embodied here) organism.

It gets pretty dense, in other words, and I wouldn't claim I completely mastered his argument, but it's certainly intruiging and I will certainly take the second and third looks that will be required to get the hang of it.

One annoying thing he trails throughout the book is that AI is wrong/misguided/impossible because of the nature of Turing machines - the only throwing-across-the-room moment came when he then exhibited a computer simulated toy organism as an illustration of his account. Eventually he deals (entirely unconvincingly) with the contradtiction by claiming that a simulation that involves both an environment and an organism, each with some (pseudo-)random jigglings is OK, especially since the concepts acquired by the organism are emergent under a development process and not coded in. It turns out later that the AI he's at pains to debunk is one in which I have nothing invested anyway:

Thought is not the manipulation of abstract symbols whose semantics are justified by unambiguous reference to things in the world. Classical categories do not serve in most cases of conceptual categorization and they do not satisfactorily account for the actual assignment of categories by human beings. (p. 237)

So let's not use that model, then! (I did enjoy his swipe at neural networks, though.) Throughout the book he lays great stress on the need for consciousness studies to be driven by detailed brain studies, which is both reasonable enough and, I happen to think, completely wrong.

Edelman himself points out that there are far too many neurones - and especially interconnections between them - for the wiring to be specified in the DNA, and his selectional theory is needed to explain how divergent wirings end up being robustly successful (we all seem to see and use language OK, however our heads got wired) and that's fine by me. But the principles of selection systems are pretty abstract (and he put the abstraction in, not me) and the robustness of neural mappings strongly suggests (to me) that you could replace many of the details with a higher level (only a bit higher, mind) description than one with neurones and have selection operate on that.

Edelman vigorously denigrates the idea that you can ignore any part of the low-level wetware details, but his conception of the alternative is the Prolog-flavoured caricature above so that doesn't bother me much.

In any case, we'll see. Overall, it's a fascinating, difficult, and brilliant book which inspires, exhilarates and exasperates by turns. If you're reading along with the 'bladet's spicy brain track then you will certainly want to read this, but it is only fair to point out that there are no prinsessor in it anywhere.


2003-10-20 09:49 (UTC+1)

On Terrorvision

Who'da thunk? Mette-Marit turns out to be camera shy:

�Jeg f�ler, at al intelligens l�ber ud af mig, ordforr�det ryger, mimikken stivner�, siger den norske kronprinsesse Mette-Marit. Hun er r�dselsslagen for at optr�de p� TV.

["I feel that all the intelligence runs out of me, my vocabulary goes up in smoke and my facial expression stiffens," said the Norwegish kronprinsess Mette-Marit. She is terror-stricken at the thought of TV appearances.]

On Wednesday, meanwhile, I shall be pretending to be myself (in humble-sidekick mode) for the benefit of BBC TV cameras which are apparently doing a documentary on this here university for eventual screening on BBC 4 (whatever that is). I suspect my robustly proletarian instincts and lack of a TV will prevent any comparable meltdown in my case.

[Linkage via Birgitte, tack]


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